
The Writer Is Put Out of Comission

Raine sat down at Mrs. McCarthy’s table, bleary eyed from sleep.

The night had been long, and filled with unwanted dreams of things that he wanted to forget.

“What would ye like for breakfast?” Mrs. McCarthy asked, smiling kindly.

“Whatever’s the easiest.” Raine yawned. “I’ll eat anything.”

Just then, a very horrid sound drifted down the stairs and into that kitchen.

Aidan’s infernal cat was at it again, screaming for some reason.

Mrs. McCarthy didn’t seem perturbed, and he followed her lead until the cat continued to howl, obviously not stopping any time soon.

“I swear,” Raine grumbled, getting up from the table with an oath, “I’m going to make her throw that cat out.”

Mrs. McCarthy just smiled and shook her head as he stomped upstairs.

Raine walked down the hallway, the wood creaking only slightly under his weight, until he came to Aidan’s bedroom.

Hopefully, she’d be better than last night.

He opened the door.

“Listen, if you don’t…”

His breath hitched.


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