
The Jewel: Part III

Cameron closed his eyes as he ran. He imagined himself in the sky, soaring next to the clouds, racing the wind. Sharing laughs with the eagle. In the back of his mind a horn blew, urging him out of his daydream. He smiled, and with a final leap, he landed on the grass and rolled to his knees. His eyes were open, and they were laughing. His face opened up and it joined in the laughter.

Every man on the premises looked up from what he was doing, to listen to the sweet, pure laughter echoing off the sky and floating through the fields, bringing a smile to all.

The man looked away. He couldn’t bear to break his son’s heart with the grave news. It was time to go. Turning away from the fields, the man began to walk. In his mind he knew where he was going, but his heart told him no. His heart wanted desperately to join his son in laughter. The man resisted the urge to turn around again, and walk towards the boy kneeling in the fields.

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