
You taught my heart a sense I never knew I had(Manwhore series)

Well, actually, I found out there was an extra spot after all in Bailey’s group because someone switched so I inconspicuously changed groups. With, Trista, Bailey, Shane, Eric, Katie, Caroline and some other people.

The bus ride there was 1 hr. I took a seat next to Josh and listened to my silverstein on my ipod for a good 4 minutes until I heard everybody singing and just fooling around so I just joined in.

We finaly got there and we watched a couple plays. There was The house of Usher(Creepy..) , The ransom of the Red chief, The tiger and the Lady..and I forget the rest.

We got back on the bus in out same seats and started eating. A teacher approached Bailey and Shane in their seat and told them they were being..”innapropriate”.

Well… It kinda did look like that.

So I endured trying not to laugh my head off for the rest of the bus ride.

We got back to school and headed to 4th block..gym.
Me, Bailey, Katie and Margaret just talked through the whole block. Then it was time to go home.

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