
Her Green Eyes Part 2 - JD Series

“Oh, strawberry kiwi” as he tasted her…
He grabbed her by her hands and then lifted her by her waist and carried her into the bedroom…
“John, can you touch me here?” she whispered.
After he put his protection on, he slowly grabbed her fiercely.

He bit her lip softly as he cupped her right D cup breast. Her head slowly falling back into the comfort of his left hand. She slowly moving out of her comfort zone and entering a place she hasnt been in a long time. He then touch her spot as her body started to quiver and she moans letting him know that he’s in control and doing good in his performance. He moves down from her lips to her neck to her breast to her navel making her eyes roll back.

She sat their for quite a moment until she took control. She slowly took off his button shirt revealing a muscled tone man with 6 pack of abs. She kissed his face and moved to sucking his ear lobe causing to quiver with excitement. She let her hands explore his body and let his fanasties free as he did for her…

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