
A road that leads nowhere

I killed for the first time at only nine years old.

I was exposed to my first ambush at nine and a half, which left me battered and beaten for weeks.

I went to Juvy for the first time at ten years old.

I was shot for the first time at age twelve.

I was exposed to my first drugs at age thirteen.

I first commited rape at thirteen and a half.

I was first exposed to prostitutes at age thirteen and a half.

I took over my first drug ring at fourteen.

I was shot for the second time at age fourteen.

I went to jail for the second time at age fourteen and a half.

I gained another rank at age fourteen and a half.

I was at the second highest rank at fifteen.

I had my first assasination attempt against me at age fifteen and a half.

I died at age fifteen and a half.

My own gang killed me.

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