
Narsella Kingston {Harry Potter spin off}pg6

Narsella put Menagerie in her purse and walked down the compartments. She was looking for Harry Potter. She saw a boy that fit his description, she opened the compartment door.”I’m sorry to be rude but, are Narsella asked shyly. “Yes, might I know who you are?” Harry said politely. “I am Narsella Kingston.” she said not quit as shy, “And who is this?”She said turning towards a red-headed boy. “I’m Ron Weasley.”Ron said. “Pleasure to meet you two.” Narsella said. She sat down and they talked for a long time. “Well, Ithink I need to get back to Draco before he think I ran off.” Narsella said. “You’re friends with tht jerk?” Ron asked. “Yes I am and he is not jerk.” she said getting a little worked up. “Well no offence but he was a jerk to us.” Harry said. “Well I’m sorry, but he’s my friend.” Narsella said, “It was a pleasure talking to you, but I really must be going.” She stormed out and back to her compartment to put on her dress robes. The train began to slow and came to a stop.

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