
Mommy's Candy

“I don’t want to use graham crackers for our tea party, that’s boring. Don’t you have anything better?”

Emily pulled her lips into a small frown, not knowing how to please her guest. “I know where my mommy keeps candy, will candy work?”

Kelsey sighed an over dramatic sigh and placed her hands on her small five year old hips, as she had seen her older sister do. “I guess.”

“Follow me.”

The girls went to the kitchen, Emily climbed up onto the counter and opened the top cupboard. Reaching in, she pulled out the plastic baggies and gave them to her friend.

“This candy is weird, Emily.”

“It’s special candy, my mommy doesn’t let me have it, so I bet it’s really ‘spensive or something.”

“Probably. Parents are silly, not sharing candy with their kids!”

The girls got together their dishes, blanket, and dolls and set up in the living room. They distributed the everything evenly, piling it up on the miniature plates. After they had each finished, Kelsey looked at her friend with blurred vision.

“I feel funny.”

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