
Make this moment last like the deepest sleep you never wanted to leave(manwhore series)

“Um..yes” I hesitated

Aydan could see it was still bugging me so he said

“Okay Peyton, we’re going to flip a coin..K? ” He brought out quarter from his pocket “So head’s means Im staying and I love you more than anything”He started

“Wait..what if its tails?”

“We flip again”He smiled

“Okay, deal” I grinned back at him

He flipped the coin and it was heads

“oh, will you look at that?you’re stuck with me” I said.

“Peyton, I want you to know that I will always love you, and I will never let anything bad happen to you, If you go, I go, if you cry..Im kickin somebody’s ass that day” He joked.

“Ha, violence isn’t the answer..and thanks for saying that, it’s just hard for me to believe I have some one like you, it just amazes me that you looked at me when a thousand other girls look at you.”I said

“Well, you’re not the only one”

Then Kieren came out, I stood up and Aydan reflexively stood up with me. Protective because of what had happend earlier, his smile faded as he eyed Kieren.

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