
Last Kiss

His lips are soft when they meet mine. The want and need make my lips more desperate and longing. I feel his body pressed against mine, his hands on the small of my back, holding me close. The moment seems to last forever, yet it couldn’t have been more then a couple seconds. Suddenly a wave of realization comes over me. I can’t have him, whether he’s engaged or not, I could never. With a sharp breath I pull away.
“No” I rasp and press my fingers against my lips.
“Evy please-”
“No!” I feel hysteria in my voice, my head shakes and I feel the tears well over.”It can’t happen”
“Yes it can” He replies.”We have to get away from here. America”
“America? Are you crazy Robin?” I take an unsteady step back.”It will never happen.”
“Yes it can” he step toward me and reaches out. I pull away, the tears starting to spill.
“I-I won’t let it!” I barely hear my own voice over my heavy breaths.”I’m not going through this anymore!” He makes one more advance toward me. I whisper one more thing before running
“Leave me be”

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