
Crying Over Spilt Ovaltine

Penelope stood there in shock, holding the letter in her shaking hand. In all her 17 years she had never felt so baffled and clueless. She wandered into the kitchen and with a glass of Ovaltine in one hand and half a pack of Oreos in the other, she sat down at the table and read the letter one more time, just to see if it made any more sense than the first twelve times she’d read it. It didn’t.

Finally, she picked up the phone and after 27 rings Hyacinth finally picked up and Penelope let her have it. “Hy, what color is the grass on your planet? Are you on drugs? We have been BFF ’s since we were kids and I can’t believe you! Why are you making such a dramafest over a Snickers bar? If I had known you would get that upset over it I wouldn’t have taken it and just what plans do you think I had for the damn candy bar anyway?”

“Oh my God” said Penelope. I must of mixed up the envelopes! I meant to send that letter to Kevin! I must have mailed him the Snickers coupons!”

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