

I dance until my high-heeled shoe brakes. My luck. I stop, look Michael in the eyes. He is smiling. Oh how I just want to grab him and kiss him right there. I smile back instead. “One second” I say as my voice cracks a little, trying to yell above the music. “What’s up?” He asks. I hold up the broken shoe in response. “Oh.” “Yeah, I’ll be right back.” I gesture that I’m going back to the small table where we had sat an hour before. Still it feels like a lifetime that I’d been on that dancefloor. I leave Michael and hurry back to the table to drop my shoe and a half. I am stopped by my best friend Liz. “Kate, I met a guy!” she screams at me, grabbing my shoulders, jumping up and down. “Really? That’s great!” I say, half laughing. “I know!” she says and looks over her shoulder, “Kate, I’m going to go with him. I’ll meet you back at the hotel.” “Okay, okay. But be careful. Please.” I beg. I’m not her mother, but I dont need her to go missing. “I know, I know. I’ll call you” she promises.

Back to my night.

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