
Van Mantra was Right

For people living on the coast, Oct. 26th and 27th were dedicated to locking up their houses, and finding shelter inland. For the Mantra’s who wouldn’t leave their ocean-side homes, they were dedicated to stocking up knifes, guns, and securing their doors.

For the Mezin, the 26th and 27th were for vandalizing empty houses.

On Oct. 27th at 11:30 pm, Bill and Mark, 2 grown men who had stayed on the coast to watch their family’s houses, brought their rifles down to the beach, and set up some chairs. After awhile, Mark looked down at his watch. 12:01


They both laughed as the popped the caps off their beers. Mark began to down his, but something caught Bill’s eye. The Atlantic went still as if it had frozen over. No longer were the waves crawling up and down the beach. Not even a ripple broke the still water.

The 2 men picked up their rifles and looked around in a scared frenzy.

An ear splitting roar echoed through the air giving the 2 men the urge to shoot themselves, and they did.

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