
Sequence Identified

Henry took a break to drive to his aunt’s place and meet up with the neices and nephews he’d neglected over the holidays. When he arrived, everyone was out – so he let himself in, and found a box on the kitchen table with his name on it.

Something inside thumped the side of the box.

He opened it.

To his amazement, it was a stack of CD’s, all of his favorite bands’ biggest records.

“There’s the thump,” He said as he reached for a CD case that had somehow slid off the stack and fallen to the bottom of the rather tallish box.


He put the discs back in the box, and walked over to the stereo with the new find.

The drive spun up.

He clicked play.

Pachelbel’s Canon in D erupted from the speakers.


Henry slumped to the floor with a thud, the desk chair skittering to a stop as it snagged the stereo’s power cable.

He lay there, unconscious, in silence.

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