
The Nameless Killer Finds A Vctim

An empty cup rolled over to my table and hit my foot. The wind had already tossed countless pieces of garbage my way, and I kicked the cup with as much force as I could manage, letting out all my agressions on the innocent trash.

“Whoa Nelly.” A male voice called to me. I looked up, and a few feet away, there was a tall, jean clad figure wearing a cowboy hat, leaning under a lamp post. He was chewing on a blade of grass, which he spit out when he saw me looking him over.

“What’s a little girl like you doing all alone on a night like tonight?” He asked. I smiled.

“Just looking for a little fun, cow boy.” I said, standing up, and walking towards him.

“Is that so?” He asked, and I nodded, while checking him out. “Well, I was just about to go over to a little party my friend was having, would you like to come with me?”

I looked back at my table. It was empty.

“I’d love that.” I said, as I followed him to his truck.

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