

Seth ran into the intimidating sky-scraper that was the “Solo-tech” HQ. It was his first board meeting in his new position, so in a frantic hurry, he poked the up buttton on the elevator as he adjusted his hair in the metalic reflection of the doors.

For an entire minute he stared at himself, sliding his tie around, or checking his teeth, when he checked his watch.


He was supposed to be sitting around a pine smelling table with “The big guys” as he called them not week early.

A little ticked off at his slow elevator he looked at the up button, noticing for the first time the “Push button really hard” sign.

“For christs sake!” He said, stabbing the button with his finger. The button lit up with a peach light, and the door opened.

The doors closed, but he did not feel the lurch in his stomach as always, instead he was slammed against the wall as the elevator seemed to tip horizontaly with the sreech of bending metal. He then felt it shoot of in it’s new direction.

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