
friendly fire

At a first look, the Talburn’s house was like any other house. Once you stepped inside, it was a different story(intended pun). (feel free to laugh) it seemed so much happier, more open with life, like it was the most amicable on the block. It wasnt just the beautiful conservatory or its wonderful second floor balconies, but also the family who lived in it. Mr and Mrs Talburn, who’d been married for almost 48 years, knew everyone’s birthdays and when to bake cookies, and all those sorts of things. they had been meant for each other. their eldest daughter, Julia, was of fair eyes and beautiful hair. being the oldest, she was known as ‘the great compromiser.’ following were the twins, Justin and Michael, known for inheiriting their father’s dry wit. David was the youngest of the bunch, the one who had the looks. together they were the nicest family on the block. one late night, Seargant Mcclellan got a call that their house was burning down

Only the cop understood why.

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