
The Graduate

It was the end of a graduation. The kids marched out of the auditorium and into the open street. Friends flocked together to snap photos, say their last good-byes, exchange #’s and anecdotes about the year, but mostly to enjoy their last few moments together as a class.

A girl in a cap and gown stood separtated from the groups, and watched the gaiety and celebration from a distance. The girl bowed her head and began to cry. She cried for a different reason than everyone else. She cried for all the memories she didnt have to share(or cry over), she cried for the friends she never made, but mostly she cried for the future. The unknown, un-welcoming, and dark future that she welcomed as much as she did her classmates the first day of school last year, when she was “the new girl”, and that was not at all….

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