
"Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned"

“I don’t hate you. But I will.”

“You hate me. And you will.”

“I said I don’t hate you. Yet.”

“Well…how does what I’ve done compare to the billions-of-times worse things that other people have done?”

“It’s so much worse. Like the saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.’”

“Look, I didn’t mean to do it, I just…did!”

“Just like you didn’t mean to…to…oh, I can’t even describe the things you’ve done!”

”...I’m sorry.”

“Not good enough.”


“Oh, please stop it. I hate the eyes.”

“I’m not giving you any eyes.”

“Yes you are. The big, stupid, wet puppy dog eyes!”


“Ugh! I don’t care! Just…get away from me!”

“If…if that’s how you want it…”

“Good riddance!”

His footsteps resounded off the linoleum floor.

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