
The Return of Doggie Breath Dipstick

I hadn’t seen him in ten years. In the beginning I was heartbroken and sat by the phone hoping for a call and wandered the streets screaming out his name. But eventually I moved on and found Jake.

Jake was different. He was a boxer. He had cute ears. I know that’s not usually comes to mind when you think of a boxer, but it’s the truth! We were together only 3 years. One day he was horsing around with the kids next door and ran into the street to grab a ball for them. He didn’t see the car, the car didn’t see him. That was the end (literally) of Jake.

Two years later I hooked up with Max but we were incompatible and soon went our separate ways. Although painful, it was for the best.

Then today I got the call asking me if I was the owner of Doggie Breath Dipstick. His owner had recently died and when the vet checked him out he found he had a microchip implanted that stated I was really his owner. Go figure—that goofy mutt had been missing for 10 years.

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