
A Time For Reaping

“Hello ma’am, I am Special Agent Reginald with the Dimensional Patrol, and this is my assistant Clocky.”

The sapient timepiece rotated whimsically, clicking recognition of it’s name as it orbited about the man’s head.

“We are investigating a heinous crime that we believe will occur on these premises in the next twenty four hours.”

He held up his badge for Doris to inspect and asked if he could come in out of the August heat.

“Oh but of course, you poor thing. Can I get you some lemonade?” She led Reginald and Clocky into her small flat past a bookcase lined with Precious Moments figurines.

“Certainly,” he replied, sitting at her kitchen table. “Thank you for your kindness.”

She set a tall glass of homemade lemonade down on a lacy coaster that she no doubt crocheted herself.

“So what’s the crime then, officer? How can I help?” Doris fanned herself with a copy of the Women’s Journal of Small Cute Things.

“Special Agent. And the crime is murder. Yours.”

“Oh, Heavens.”

Clocky chirped in agreement.

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