
At the Bottom of Everything

Scratching her right knee she realized why she thought she had a fear of planes. The dream she repeatedly had, was coming true. The pilot came on the intercom and explained to the passengers that there was going to be a horrid crash. Another plane was headed straight for them and neither plane could turn off the autopilot to move out of the way. He hoped that everyone would have a good rest of their flight and returned to trying to release the autopilot. Four strong men walked up from the back of the plane to offer aid in the sudden crises but were only pushed away and told to return to their seats. There was expected five minutes until collision so she sat quietly in her chair watching the people around her. Small children playing with electronic games while their mothers cried over them. Turning up the volume on her ipod she listened to italic_At the Bottom of Everything_italic by BrightEyes and waited for the end to come. Suddenly there was a crash and the two planes started falling to the ocean rapidly.

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