
and you still can't sleep

Lay in bed and listen to your thoughts chase each other in an endless game of tag. What you coulda done, shoulda done, did it matter then, does it matter now. Listen to the night noises, neighbors coming in or going out or doing the horizontal bop upstairs. And what the heck is that oh the cat found something to play with why is it always midnight when he does this?
Get up read til your eyes bleed or try to write but what was I thinking can’t pick it up again. Listen to Tunula Eno by Samite, Talking Timbuktu by Ali Farka Toure and Ry Cooder, Pure Blues by a lot of the best. And where did I put…oh yeah, Sweeet Dreams of Yoouuu….something about Patsy but no maybe not. Maybe I should just go back to bed…

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