
In-character survey II: Cayaana from The Fog series

Do you have a tattoo?
Just one, on the inside of my ankle. A small 1/2 moon a few shades lighter than my skin. It’s the mark of the resistance. Oops- might have to change that mark now. My bad.

What do you dream about?
Shortly before Les and Jessalyn came back, I started having dreams about Aiden, more specifically Aiden’s death. I wasn’t there for it, but I was the one who sent him in. He dies a different way every night, probably because we still don’t know what happened to him.

Growing up, did you ever invision in espionage?
I thought about it once, but never seriously. In elementary school I went through the basics- ballerina, docter, atronaut, but I ended highschool wanting to be a fire fighter or an EMT . Of course, the resistance formed 1/2 way through college, so none of that ever happened.

What is you biggest fear?
For a while, it was getting caught, but that woar off after a few missions. Death was on that list, too, but I’ve seen so many go, I’m desensitized. I don’t know.

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