
I figured out what's missing

Even as I stumbled back and fell into my tub, I could see the shower curtain moving. When I cracked my head on the tile wall, it slowed my panic down bit.

Collector. That was what the business card said. I think I figured out what he collected from me. I had to get it back. All I had was a business card with three words on it… Could I track him with that?

I turned to the Internet and after a few hours searching I had found a few message boards where people reported strange things missing due to a certain mister Frost. In all of these boards the person doing the reporting was either ignored or banned from the site.

But the list of things stolen. One man had his shadow stolen, another his eye color, and another his fingerprints; one girl lost her hair color, another her voice, and another her smile. My heart grew heavier with each report. None of them ever seemed to get what was stolen back. Worse yet, I couldn’t find a way to contact any of them.

How was I ever going to get my reflection back?

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