
kiss && makeup

I got his note.
I had to read it more than a few times for it to sink in. He was still trying. In a daze, I walked towards the park. He was there. Of course.
I slowed my pace, “Hey.”
He looked up, but didn’t say anything. My stomach flipped.
I inched closer. Still no response except the desperate longing for an answer, raging in his eyes.
I sucked in a deep breath and squeezed my eyes tight. Then I sat down, on top of him.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. Though he started to rub my back, his silent treatment kept on.
All of a sudden he leaned down, just like before and pressed his cold lips into mine. His arms constricted around me and pulled me into him. Everything was Tom. The chill on my skin and the soft hands caressing my face. When he pulled away I looked down, I shouldnt be smiling.
I swallowed roughly and looked back up at him. He returned the look.
“Am I forgiven?” I asked, putting all my courage into those three words. Hiding my face in the crevice of his neck I felt him nod. Yes.

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