
Child Abuse, continued

Yes, the foster care system sucks. But I can take care of myself. I know now what you can and can’t do to a kid.
Most of the foster homes suck, most of them are only in it for money.
But, I have this one counselor, and this one friend too.
She says I told have to take the bullshit. I have to be an adult, but I can still be a kid.
My friend, he’s . . . I don’t know. He’s “allowing things” (says my counselor) that he shouldn’t. But when you’ve been abused for so long, sometimes you “allow” sometimes you don’t know the difference.
No, its still better than being with that bastard of a “father”. No, it isn’t paradise.
But I want to be something I don’t see much, but I can see in my counselor and friend. There’s some kind of caring there with them. She says she knows the shit in the system is bad.
My friend, well. . .I don’t know, he’s like me in a lot of ways, and maybe he looks at me like a big brother, or even just a brother, like a real family.

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