
errors, errors, everythere.

Hi my brother is a pain in the butt, and ithis is a really ahard challenge because the backspacde is so harkd no t to use…. OTOC was right…. it’s just become second namture. So now to try nlooking away from the computer thing. Fun fun fun…. I wonder if I can acheive nirvana. oohhhhh… is it oworking, ooop, felt that. DANGITd!!!!! Ooop, looing at the pmoniton aragain…. *monitor again. There we goes! oooh… rocks bugtime. ugggh! bigtime…. I z in ure bedroom, weckin ur puzzle. ooojhhh. that was easy to type. Oh scrap I gtota get on my homeowrk… this shows how poor of a n accuaralcy thingy I have. Level. Yeah, level. My brothe r is sitlll a pain in the butt. he messed up bmy pills…. whaaah … mhe turned around the top so that I CAN ’T FREAKING UOPEN INT ! UGHT! OPEN ! IT! Meow meow meow meow meow Inkeatrt it s a good book….. meow meow meow meow meow …. can’t wait to finish the Haddix series…. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow emoew meow meow…. but gotta finish the Inkeart!!

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