
Is This Really How it Thinks?

Here we go again.
Yet another one of those even-more-crazy-than-average-teens.
Head to toe, alllll in black. With an already bored face.
Ugh. And those combat boots. Who wears those anymore.
They walked up to the teacher, looking expectant
Now what?
They say they are already late
Here take the stupid tardy slip you know-it-all.
They look annoyed
Gosh, they think they know everyyything. But I’m older. I’m mature. I know what’s going on. They haven’t but a clue.
Do you want a detention,too, punk?
They just keep on walkng to their desk.
I think that one will need some restricting. Oooh. And maybe a little force with the words. Some teasing wouldn’t be wrong either. Show the kid how it feels to have someone disrespect you like that…
They laugh.

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