
Crossing Ficlets #6: Lanceus and Hades (Dear god)

Lanceus sighed as he once more sat in front of the steaming vent. He looked down into the abyss, his eyes beginning to water.

Suddenly, flames erupted from the vent, and Lanceus jumped back. “What the—?? Shenae?!”

The flames cleared, revealing a tall, pale man in a black cloak. He held a paper and looked down at it. “Hello…Lanceus. I’m here to collect your immortal soul!!” the flames flashed up from the vent again. He looked down at the paper “No, no, that’s not right…”

“Who are you? And where is Shenae?”

“Oh, right. I’m Hades, guardian of…well, Hades. I’m taking Shenae’s place today because she’s off shopping with Persephone.”


“You don’t know who Persephone is?? She’s a goddess!”

“The only “gods and goddesses” I know are the royalty, and I don’t consider them gods, myself…So, how are we doing this?”

“Uh, I don’t know, I was hoping you did, Shenae just winked when I asked her what I was supposed to do.”

Lanceus’ eyes widened. ”...Dear god.”

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