
Dicey Situation

It was another ordinary day, and I was bored. I was due to go over to a friend’s house for dinner later, but at the moment I didn’t have anything better to do than to sit around and noodle on the Internet while Oingo Boingo’s “Home Again” played into my ears from my iPod.

As I typed, I became dimly aware of a new light source in my room—something glowing just out of the corner of my eyes. I turned my head to look, and blinked. It was my set of “crystal dice” that I’d gotten from Crystal Caste—the red and black barrel dice that I had gotten because I thought they looked cool.

Only—now they looked hot. Or at least they were glowing. And I knew these dice weren’t supposed to be glow-in-the-dark.

I shook them out onto my hand and jiggled them experimentally. They didn’t feel any different from normal…well, maybe they tingled a little, but that could be my imagination.

But then I rolled them.

(Ficlet #1000, yay!)

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