True Story
Well, there is this one guy that I really like and I know that he at least has feelings for me he is about 4 years older and graduated last year. About a week and a half ago I kissed him and it was nothing. Something that not to many people know is that I have a phobia, this phobia is towards others emotions towards me, especially mouths. Ever since I was like 5 I never liked to kiss or be kissed. Not even anyone in my family. But then I kissed Johnny and it felt completely normal. Then a week ago he kissed me again and again for a really long time it was like a total make out session, I then after the first said that I needed to go due to being late for school. He then pulled me back and wanted more I gave in to this. It felt so normal like we had been doing this all our lives. Does he like me or just want something from me….