
Vampire Lover

I was starving. And I wasn’t conscious of it, until he deliberately punctured his fangs into the nape of my neck and tasted my empty nectar, and told me it was true. I was indeed starving.

I lay awake for hours after his first bite, still feeling the pressure points of his contact on my skin – tracing the spot with my fingertips and reconciling the idea that I had managed to survive so long without nourishment.

I was aware of the hunger pangs but suppressed it with gratuitous behavior allowing it to remain unfed and hidden. But not from him. He saw through the veil and moved it aside.

Now conscious abandon has led way for me to stay present with his rhythm. I need him to feed me – to keep me alive.
I breathe him in like no other before him. I absorb so much of his energy that I can hardly contain it within my own body. It begs to be released. He has a hypnotic effect on my being and renders me silent and still – and I accept this relinquishment without hesitation – for now I belong to him.

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