

“Please don’t shoot”, the young woman begged.

Three heavily armed men stood there menacingly looking at her. One giant of a man , pointed his gun at a waitress, a shorter guy held his gun to the head of the chef. The ringleader of the gang, was giving all the orders.

“Get over here lady,” the ringleader said.

She obeyed.

An old woman was hysterical, her elderly husband could not calm her.

The ringleader angrily overturned a table, food flying all across the restaurant. People were screaming and crying. It was chaotic.

“Everybody shut the hell up”,the ringleader demanded.

The room got deathly quiet.
Sirens where heard in the distance, getting closer. The young woman’s heart beat faster the closer the sirens got.

The big guy was getting anxious and shot a busboy.

The short guy got jumpy and shot the chef. He placed the chefs’ bloody hat on his own head and danced around making noises like the dopey chef from the Muppet Show.

“Everybody settle down”, the ringleader said.

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