
No One In This World Is Safe(p. 3)

As the family made their way slowly through the forest, with the aid of the keen Elvin archer on their side, Elden could swear she heard someone else behind them. “I’m just weary of all this riding,” she told herself firmly. “Besides, no one else knows we are even gone, except…...the servants! I always knew they were a little too curious.” At this, she rode up to Serene. “Serene! I think the servants told someone that we were leaving! I keep hearing something behind us!” She hastily told her friend. “Nonsense! No one, I repeat, NO ONE knows you are gone. You’re being silly,” said the strong female archer, shifting in her saddle. Elden admired her friend, looking at her dark red hair, pulled back in a long ponytail, trailing on the saddle. Her fine Elvin features showed, she was so tall and slim. Her keen hearing and eyesight was invaluable, and arrow shot, her best characteristic, was yet to be matched. She was so brave, so fearless, ready to protect, to fight, or to avenge. “I wish I was like her!”

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