
Dork Entries

Reinhardt’s brain caught up with what Gwen just said.

“I’m Lorencz’s boss,” he announced, drawing to his full height with eyes ablaze. “Not his roommate! I pay him.”

“Cool,” she said. “Hey, is there a fridge we could use? You’ve got something in your eyes.”

“A salary, I mean. Not pay him to stay here. I’m a man of Science.”

“Fridge?” she said.

“And where’s the bathroom?” asked a skinny guy in an I Roll 20s shirt.

“That door near the stair,” Reinhardt said, and three people moved towards it. “No, that’s the bathroom; fridge is through to your left.”

Reinhardt suddenly recalled something Lorencz said.

“Hey! Lorencz said you were a ninja! You’re awfully loud for ninjas!” His eyes narrowed. “Why aren’t you all in black? Are you going to kill me? I warn you, I have an electric raygun in my lab…”

Gwen laughed, an endearing and not-quite musical snort, like a piglet trying to sing “Memory.”

“No, silly,” she said, “I was a kunoichi for the con.”

“A cunowhatwhat for what?”

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