
Worst Family Reunion Ever

It was the worst family reunion ever. In years past i remember barely knowing anyone, but this year there were even more people whose faces i did not recognize. Was it just me? Was i the only one feeling left out? I forged through the thick mass of people around the table filled with food. Fried chicken, butter beans, corn, chicken pastry, but most importantly, barbeque. I balanced the wimpy paper plate that was about to bend from the amount of food i had chosen, in one hand and lemonade in the other. I looked around the room. “Its hard enough not having anyone to talk to, but now where do i sit?” I thought to myself. FInally, i saw my sister, Lori, coming over with her baby, Bailey. Her other two children, Brooke and Cole, had scattered , most likely, to the playset outside. I don’t know what it is about children but they can go right up to a complete stranger and play with them. These kind of gatherings were easy for them.

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