I Cured Myself
Ok. It’s funny.
The thing that got me here is the very thing I’m afraid of.
Lyssophobia it’s called.
I always hated it when people used the word phobia as a synonym for fear. But it’s not, you know. Phobias are much, much deeper.
Everything scared me.
I was afraid that certain colors would set me off.
Or a book? What if a book pushed me over the edge?
Something that someone said? If a simple sentance proved too much for my mind?
Eventually I couldn’t go outside. Anything I saw, anything might do it, might ruin me.
This worked, for a while. I stayed inside. Nothing could hurt me then, no outside variables.
Then I remembered: cabin fever. That harms people who are inside for too long.
That did it.
Now I wake up every morning, eat breakfast, go on a quiet walk through the garden. I enjoy myself now.
Because you can’t be afraid that something will happen if it already happened.
Because, didn’t you know? Lyssophobia is the fear of going mad. And now I live in the asylum.