
Special Request

A silver ring of light portruded from the abyss. The fog resting above the ground began to clear. Through the thick moist air, a soft yet authoritative voice began to echo solemn words. I stepped forward as the ubiquitous voice commanded. I was no longer confident as I prepared to gaze upon the omniscient countenance that would soon lie before me, but as I stepped toward the light, no visage of wrath nor of glory appeared.

When the voice inquired of my purpose, I was unable to articulate a proper response. I stuttered out murmurs of some inhuman language. The voice, though comprehending my request, demanded an answer which it knew I could not provide. After a second failed attempt, the deific voice proclaimed the worth of my cause. As the roar reverberated, the fog returned and the light grew to a blatant intensity. In moments, I opened my eyes to the Virginia sky which I had viewed before I had vanished mere moments ago. I reveled in the fulfillment of my request. Who knew God would aprove casual fridays!

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