
In the Psychiatric Unit -- Kaitlyn

If you had asked me, a few weeks ago, if I ever thought I’d land myself in a psychiatric hospital, I would have told you exactly how crazy I thought you were. And yet, here I am…

My siblings are the ones with problems, not me. My older sister is pregnant with her third kid at nineteen, and my younger brother has ADD . So, I’m the one in the middle. My job is just to keep it going. Perfect Kaitlyn. Mom always says, “Kaitlyn, she’s so responsible, so reliable. She’s the one I can count on.” I get good grades, I do my chores on time, I do what I’m asked without complaining. Adults say I’m a model child. Teachers say I’m the student they always wanted. I say…I don’t know.

Expectations rule my life. I have to do everything just so. And even though, on the outside, I look like I have a perfect life, being so perfect takes its toll.

I can’t stand it sometimes. The always having to make sure everything’s right, always doing exactly what’s expected.

That’s why I started cutting. It was my secret. Until today.

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