
The Change (20)

Prince Edward told Sophia how he learned to fight and fool dragons. How he was on a quest to find a princess noble, kind with a pure heart.
At the castle she bandaged his head and when she was through, Prince Edward kissed her hand.
Sophia’s face turned red.
Thank you for your kindness you have a pure heart.
The prince bent down on one knee, Princess Sophia will you marry me?
Sophia began to feel strange;
things on her head started to change.
Her short stringy hair became silky and grew.
Her eyes were not droppy and then they turned blue.
The ears that were to large for her face, are now the right size and in the right place.
Her lips had been the shape of a frown,
now when she looked they were turned upside down.
What’s happening to me this can’t be my face.
The queen came just in time to see this take place.
She called for the king to see just in case.
Sophia said yes and the word spread through the village. The kingdom, happy for Sophia and Edward held a celebration in their honor.

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