
Space Burps Triumphant

“I wish I had it here now,” I said truthfully. It would probably distract her long enough to get the gun out of her hand.

I heard sirens in the distance, coming nearer. The girl remembered her situation, looked around, and waved the gun in my direction. “I’m leaving. Don’t try to follow me.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I said. At least not without my armor and blaster rig. Which are both back in my apartment right now.

“Good.” She picked up the milk in her other hand, backed away slowly, then turned to run. As she was about to round the corner of a building, she stopped and said, “Next time, get diapers!” Then she was gone.

I just stood there for a moment, then turned to look at the topless Mackrow’s Business Tower, smoking in the late afternoon sunlight. I wondered if I should call it in, then dismissed the idea. No need to make myself the precinct laughingstock.

Then I shrugged and headed back to the convenience store to get more milk for Fluffy.

And maybe some diapers.

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