

My eyes opened, and I looked up. It was clear that this was not where I had fallen asleep, for above me, all I could see was the upper branches of trees. Strange ones, gnarled, and grotesque. It was deafeningly quiet, completely devoid of any sound of any sort. I stood up, or I tried to, for it was at this moment that I looked down where the ground, and my body, should be, but saw…nothing. I looked upon my hands, my arms. Nothing. In utter surprise, I looked around me. Words couldn’t describe the bizarre nature of my situation. Many of these “trees” were near where I was “standing”, but they seemed to sprout from every where. There was no ground, only blue for as far as the eye could see. I was frightened, certainly, but fright turned to wonder, as I discovered that space had become…nothing. I was everywhere, yet nowhere. I had no idea where I was, but at this point, I saw a mysterious, black dot in what seemed like the distance. For some reason, a strange calm came over me, followed by immense curiosity.

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