A Nut Job and A Weird Alarm
As soon as Mrs Widmeyer went to get her checkbook, I ran to the back of the house to open the back door for Wendall and Perry. Unfortunately, I noticed a large sign above the door proclaiming—“WARNING: ALARM WILL SOUND .” Wendall knocked on the window, I suppose wondering what was taking me so long.
“There’s an alarm,” I mouth.
“From the inside?” He’s yelling, but I can just faintly hear him. I nod, shrugging my shoulders. How am I supposed to help it if Mrs. Widmeyer is a nut job?
Wendall is making strange motions with his hands, and looking at me like I as an idiot, which I am proud to say I am not. Soon, I catch on that he wants me to go upstairs and open a window, and he and Perry will climb the tree.
Whatever. Apparently Mrs. Widmeyer is not the only nut job around. And speaking of nut jobs, that particular one is currently roaming the house, screaming for “Sally.” I knew the Girl Scout disguise was a stupid one…