

The next night, after we had our fill of throats for the evening, we strolled through the streets of Paris. I cannot tell you how long or far we walked as i was so excited that we could have walked for miles and i would still have been able to walk more. We passed orphan after orphan, scouring the streets for some kind person’s spare change. Finally, after some time, one caught my eye.
“Please, mum, might you spare some change?” he was dirty and his clothes were ragged. He wore no shoes and his hair was matted to his head in a dirty blond mess. All in all he was just like the rest, but his eyes were the most entrancing green. Even though he had had a terrible life, as was clearly shown by his presentation, his eyes still seemed to twinkle in the waning moonlight. All the other orphans had lost that inner fire, but this orphan’s eyes twinkled with an ember that glowed dully and hopefully. I looked into Nicco’s eyes and smiled.
“Can we keep him?” I asked him mentally. I heard his voice in my head. “As you wish”

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