
The Marked 32

“Get off me!” Michelle yelled pulling away.

“Wow whats your deal?” Test asked

“Your not my friend, you left me there alone…for all I know you could have been in on it!” Michelle fired back.

“What? no, Vincent told me you left he said you were upset about that ass Kane an took off.”
” I was so pissed at him for not telling me I didn’t talk with him for two days.” Test confested

“I just….” Michelle sighed looking away.

“Trust me if I’d known what happened to you I swear I would’ve…”Test started

“What?” Michelle asked looking up.

“That..bastard! It had to be him!” Test yelled

“What..who?” Michelle asked completely lost.

“Kane,it had to be him, I mean who else would want to hurt you.” Test pondered

“That…animal!” Michelle grunted

“Don’t worry, we’ll get his ass.” Test smirked

“Wait..what?” Michelle asked

“I know where the freak works,we’ll catch him off guard and bam!” Test explained

“Shouldn’t we call the police?” Michelle asked

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