
Choose Me P3 (LA Series)

Day 6
She laided there in her own bed, quiet & peacefully thinking to herself.
I finally did it, I’m not laying with him tonight, & I didnt do it yesterday either. My girls told me that I was giving him control of my emotions & that I need to back up from him.

She jumped out of her bed and went into the kitchen wearing her elmo robe.
I’m still thinking about the arguement we had about his girl on the side. I really expressed my angers at him & he felt my wrath. she thought.

She grabbed a pack of oreos & cookies n cream ice cream & jumped on the couch to watch tv.
I’m so proud of myself, I told him what I was feeling without crying & he couldnt handle it. I’m glad we’re not together anymore. He deserves that tramp.

She watched tv while thinking about him at commericals.
I have to stay strong, I have to move on, he wasnt looking for a girl like me.

Then she heard a knock at the door.She got on her toes to look thru the peekhole, to see him, on the other side.
OMG ! He’s here! Oh snap?

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