
Trablipocris Quits

To Mr. Carps dismay, it appeared that Miss Trablipocris had made her way through the door.
Mr. Carps marched into his office and slammed the door. The sound of the door made Nancy jump.

“Has this really happened?” Nancy expressed.

Nancy looked out the window to see if there was any sign of Miss Trablipocris….nothing…she was gone.

Miss Trablipocris walked to her car, started her engine and a sudden feeling of relief took over with every small familiar action taken. When she placed her car in drive, it was not only a gear selected, this was her new adventure to freedom.

“Won’t deal with this shit or that asshole anymore…..I will be fine and I will get my life, A LIFE , back”, Miss Trablipocris grumbled allowed to herself.

As she drove off company property, the sense of relief began to take over, the weight she once felt overbearing her shoulders, now piece by piece coming off.

“Free free free…..what was that clever saying?? Yes, take this job and shove it!!!”

“I call the shots now!”

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