
The Bluest Blue (VII)

-Brian, do you plan on coming to work today? We have a meeting at 10. Or did you forget?

His boss. Oh God.. Brian looked at the clock. 9:34. He was supposed to have been there over thirty minutes ago.

-Yeah, boss, I’m sorry. I, uh, overslept. I’ll be right over.
-Get your ass over here, Brian. And for Christ’s sake, don’t take a cab. You know how traffic is at this time. Hurry up!

With a half-mumbled expletive and a click, his boss hung up. Brian made a mad dash for the shower and ten minutes later he was out the door, all memory of the morning’s events forgotten.

The crowds in the subway weren’t as bad as Brian expected and he was able to make it to work in record time. He was just sitting down in his office at 9:56 when his secretary, Darlene, walked in, teetering on lipstick red stilettos.

-Your messages, Mr. Finley.
-Thanks, Darlene.

Brian had three missed calls from a Mr. Henry Davenport re: Madeline. Brian reread the message slips, incredulous.

-Is something the matter, Mr. Finley?

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