Sand Seer notes, outlines, ideas 2
-boats are light-weight constructions. usually wood for water and some kind of aluminum for sand. either can and does sail the air. sand boats need to have a powerful sheild projected under thier craft so the sand doesn’t eat through the hull of the ship. water breaks down the shields so switching between sand and water is tough.
-sand is more like quicksand. it has a type of liquid in it that gives it more movement, but there still are sand dunes. without a light
-weight ship, even a really strong anti-friction shield can’t keep the ship afloat.
-main character is called the sand seer. His post is in the crows nest of a sand vessel. He keeps to himself most of the time, but rumor spreads among the men more and more about the eye of orok. an ancient story about a gift of limited foresight.
-many people throughout history have claimed to have the eye of orok. Orok was the first sailor of the sand. He started with a small boat, not much larger than a row boat.