Sphinxes Are Stubborn
I sighed.
It had been five days since I had deserted my town, since I had deserted Evan.
It wasn’t like me, none of it was. For one, being stupid enough to believe him.
“I’m just different.” He had said, too many times, now that I thought about it. “I was born a long way away, Lisa. It’s different where I’m from.”
Now I just wanted to smack myself.
I jumped. Every little boy and girl in my town had been trained precisely how to react to that noise.
“Run to the center of the town, or the nearest warrior’s house. Whatever you do, Lisa, run!” My mother was strict on obeying the rules in the case of a town ambush.
Only I wasn’t in the town.
I was out in the middle of nowhere.
And, apparently, with a dragon tribe.